First up was to install the backer board. Of course there are a few cuts and holes but it fit like a glove - now. Remember the saying, measure twice, cut once. Well apparently we thought we were above that. We're not. We cut space for the faucet and showerhead. Easy, right? Ha! Somewhere when we were measuring and jotting down said measurements we made a boo boo. Oops, back to Home Depot for another piece of backer board. They love us there I'm sure. :)
Backer board is up and ready to go! You can see in this picture that I had painted the walls already. I LOVE to paint. I just can't seem to get enough of it. :) So once the paint was purchased I couldn't wait to get started.
I decided that I wanted to give board & batten a whirl but was a little bit intimidated. The bathroom is the perfect place to start since there is really only 2 small walls - how can I screw that up? Don't worry, I'm sure I'll learn plenty along the way!
I love the color even more now that it's up on the wall!!! I figured out approximately where the board and batten will go and painted the lower half Ultra White. I would recommend using semi-gloss paint especially in the bathroom. It went on so smooth, it will be easy to keep clean and of course can handle the moisture that comes with a bathroom.
Eek!!!! I can't wait to get started on the tile! It wouldn't be a long holiday weekend without a home improvement project would it?
I hope that you have a great Memorial Weekend and have a chance to soak up some sun. I hope to get this bathroom done quickly so that I might get a little bit of sun on these ghostly white legs. They are scary white.
Happy Friday, Happy long weekend and Happy remodeling!!!
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