Hello! We had a great weekend filled with events and now we're back to the grind.
Today my 12 year old daughter had her last band and choir concert of the year at school. I was really looking forward to hearing how much they've improved over the year. Earlier this month I made sure I could take a late lunch to get there in time for the concert and then return to work to finish out the day. I arrive to work this morning only to find out that the nasty bug that has plagued our office the last 2 weeks has taken it's toll on my co-workers. This left only me in the main office and unable to take a lunch, much less leave to attend the concert. :( I just hope she isn't too disappointed and will forgive me.
This is just another reason why I want nothing more than to leave the rat race and be a Full Time Hobbiest. My family, kids and home should always come first and today I couldn't make that happen.